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411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

Dry coolers are cooling devices that use air to regulate the process temperature. Cooling by a dry cooler is based on the principles of sensible heat rejection. These units exchange the accumulated heat entering a dry cooler with air circulating inside. Dry coolers have a simple and robust design that includes a heat exchanger (typically finned tube or micro-channel coils and fans that push airflow through the heat exchanger to cool the water or glycol solution passing through them. These coolers use air from the outside of the cooler to maintain the heat exchange process. A suitable temperature difference must be maintained between the cooling medium and the air inside the dry cooler to ensure effective process cooling. A minimum difference of 5 °C is usually sufficient. The heat generated in dry cooler systems can be transferred directly to other processes, which leads to energy It reduces waste and improves overall efficiency.These systems have low operating costs after the initial setup process.


  • Data Centers
  • Hospitals / Medical Office Buildings
  • Office Buildings
  • Industrial / Process Systems
  • Energy Generation