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Fire installation is a set of systems that are used to extinguish fires that occur in a place or a region in general terms. The use of these installations in many different structures minimizes possible fire risks. The fire installation installed in living and working areas ensures that it takes great precautions against fire in the place where it is installed. Fire installations protect life and property to a great extent with their structure that intervenes in fires before they turn into a disaster. Fire installations, which have the capacity to extinguish small fires in places easily and quickly, prevent disasters to a large extent. In large fires, it prevents the spread of the fire to a large extent, especially until the fire brigade arrives. The system, which also helps to reduce the fire, is also effective in extinguishing.
Thanks to fire systems, fires are no longer a big problem and major problems are prevented from occurring. The fact that the safety of life and property is one of our most important values ​​in our lives is very important in terms of maximizing protection. In addition, it is recommended that the fire systems be checked and maintained regularly in order to have full effect.

Fire Installation Account

By using the fire installations that are used everywhere, sudden fires are prevented. The main purpose of these installations is to extinguish fires. With the fire installation calculation, effective measures are taken against fire hazards in many different places. Even though there are various types of fire installation calculations, installations are generally divided into two as wet and dry systems. Both systems are very effective in extinguishing fires. Dry systems are mostly used in places where there is a possibility of freezing or water leakage. The use of dry systems on these places provides a great advantage. In dry systems, there are generally fluids such as nitrogen gas and compressed air inside the pipes. In this way, the fire is extinguished by providing an instant water flow. In installations that Fire installation calculation are made correctly, it can be ensured that the event does not grow much in case of any fire. These installations are among the most effective measures that can be taken for fires.

Fire Installation Materials

A large number of materials can be used in a fire installation. Generally, the materials used differ depending on the type of installation. Because there are many different models of fire installations designed to be used in living and business areas. However, some chemicals other than water can be used to extinguish the fire. It is possible for the system to change according to the material to be used. There are also fire extinguishing systems working with foam and similar materials. Basically, all fire installations have a sprinkler valve or a similar material.This valve opens automatically during a fire. At the same time, there is a sprinkler head and a similar head for spraying foam or water and similar materials. One of the important materials of the installation is the piping system products. The substance to be used in fire extinguishing circulates over the building by the pipes. Fire Installation Why?

Fire Installation Types

Fire installation is examined in 2 different groups. In these types, which are divided into two as dry and wet installations, selection is made according to the heating and freezing hazard.

Dry Fire Installation

There is no water in the pipes that make up the fire system in the dry fire system. However, it is ensured that the fires are prevented by giving water during the fire. Dry fire installation is installed as a water distribution system that does not contain water. In dry fire installation, the part consisting of pipes from the system valve to the farthest point of the installation contains compressed air and nitrogen gas. Presence of pressurized gas instead of water in the system prevents the building from flooding in case of problems that may occur in the installation of the building. Generally, the places where dry fire installations are installed are cold areas. Since there is a danger of freezing water in cold areas, dry fire systems are used in order not to result in bad results during fire. We stated that there was no water in the circuit at first in the dry pipe systems where the fire brigade was expected to arrive. In general, water is supplied to the environment with the connections made after the arrival of the fire brigade. In addition, dry fire systems are made to protect an area of ​​maximum 4830 m2 from fire.

Dry Fire Installation Places

Dry fire installation is the most preferred fire installation in unheated areas where there is a risk of freezing. In general, the places where dry fire installations are installed are as follows:
  • Used in unheated blocks.
  • It is preferred in cold regions where there is a risk of freezing.
  • Dry systems are preferred in buildings in narrow streets. The main reason for this is that fire trucks have difficulty in entering narrow streets and the streets can be crowded. In this installation, which does not contain water, there is a 15-meter hose to take water from the fire trucks. Thanks to this hose, it is easier for the fire brigade to intervene when it arrives without wasting time.

What is the Working Principle of Dry Fire Installation?

Thanks to the dry fire installation, the heat released during the fire expands the mercury in the sprinkler head. Because of this, the glass tube bursts and the caps open. As a result, compressed air is discharged. With the decrease of the pressure value, the dry sprinkler valve opens simultaneously and the water begins to fill. When the water is filled to a certain amount, the electric alarm works thanks to the water alarm or the electric pressure switch. When the installation is completely filled with water, the fire is sprayed with water and the fire is extinguished.

Wet Fire Installation

It is a fire installation designed using a pipe network filled with pressurized water. It is preferred in high-rise buildings where there is no danger of freezing, and on spaces with an interior volume exceeding approximately 2000 square meters. There are cases where the water is supplied to the fire installations over the double mouth and directly from the city network. However, the water to be pumped by the fire brigade over the double nozzle may not be clean. Check valve should be used in order to prevent mixing of fire installation water and drinking water. Fire Installation Why?

Installation Rules in Fire Installations

Fire installation is made separately from water installations by using black steel or galvanized pipes.
  • For the installation of fire cabinets, the most easily accessible places should be selected. In general, doorways and stairwells are suitable. Column connection pipes of fire cabinets are connected as short as possible.
  • There must be a sealed valve and a non-reversible valve under the fire column so that the fire installation remains always open and separates the installation. It is selected from a rising spindle type so that it can be easily seen that the valve is open. However, when the commanded installation part becomes inoperable or in case of repair and maintenance, it can be closed.
  • There should be an automatic air vent at the top of the installation to evacuate the air in the pipes. Ventilation facilitates the emptying of pipes when needed. Pipes must be protected against corrosion. The piping route must not pass through areas where there are electrical hazards for shocks and where there are obvious corrosive effects. Pipe connection is made using flanged connection, welded connection, threaded connection or clamped threaded connection using fittings.

Material List Preparation

The material list of the fire installations, of which the design is made and the project is drawn, is prepared by taking measurements from the project. Quantities and pipe diameters are subtracted and written on the list. Fire equipment and cabinet are listed according to the number of fire cabinets. Other hardware parts to be used in fire installation are taken from the project and added to the list.

Fire Piping Installation

Pipe distribution within the fire installation can be done in different ways. The type of distribution, the location of the water source and the circulation of the installation in the building are determined within the project. In the projects drawn as a result of these important rules, distribution can be made horizontally and vertically. On the other hand, tree distribution and rotation options can be selected according to the structure of the building.

Things to consider in the construction of fire installation

There are many important points to consider when installing fire installation. It is important to pay attention to these points and to have them regularly maintained in order for the fire systems to operate at full performance.
  • The fire cabinet must be at the appropriate height. It is recommended to be placed inside the wall.
  • There should be no flax, construction scraps or metal residues inside the pipe. You can ask the company that arranges the fire installation to check them. Residues inside the pipes affect the extinguishing of the fire as a result of closing the outlet openings.
  • Fire pipes must be pulled over plaster permanently.
  • It is important for the performance of the fire installation that the pipes be as short and straight as possible.
  • Sprinklers called sprinklers should be laid at equal intervals.
  • Fire cabinets should be close to stairwells and doorways.
  • Fire installation must be laid in accordance with the project principles.
  • Fire pipes should not be less than 50 mm in diameter.